Thursday 17 November 2016

The Meaning of Life

"Never lose the wonder or you will lose the gratitude or you will lose the sense of obligation and limitation as well..." Ravi Zacharias

I don't usually make these kinds of things public, but during the sorrow of my mother's passing, I feel to say something about life and death; because this is what we have before us every day: life and death. These are dark times we live in, where people form themselves into political and 'other' tribes in order to attack and dismiss each others beliefs and concerns and position themselves on their own fluffy mountaintop. I have never known such hatred and intolerance on all sides.

The bible instructs those of us fortunate enough to still believe it and follow its principles to 'choose today whom you will serve: life or death.' ("See, I set before you today life and prosperity, death and destruction." Deuteronomy 30:15). Every day you can choose either 'life' or 'death' by your choices. The steps of 'death' will erode your humanity and bring its ultimate, rotten fruit. Choosing life in all its forms, has the opposite effect.

Last night, my beautiful, complicated, amazing mother, who was a gift and encouragement to so many that loved her, went to be with her creator. Many, who do not believe in God, become embittered at times like this, or speak of the meaningless of death. For those of us who follow Christ, death is no more meaningless than life itself. For Johanne, even in the midst of suffering, we take joy in the knowledge of her glorious future.

The great Christian apologist Ravi Zacharias has this to say about the meaning of life. It's been a good reminder for me today: